hate wakes me up

This morning I couldn’t lay and listen to the radio in the dark anymore when it told me that two (TWO) local zillionaires are not satisfied with Michigan’s anti-gay constitutional amendment, they are funding anti-gay marriage ballot proposals in California (Elsa Prince Broekhuizen – $450,000 ) and Florida (Dick “Amway” De Vos – $100,00).

Broekhuizen is mother to Besty De Vos (Dick’s wife) and Erik Prince (the infamous head of Blackwater).  This is all so depressing and unspeakable.  These people are doing damage to our society. I protest.

Little old Holland was also on NPR yesterday morning. The early morning cutesy blurb (which I usually detest) was about how Holland’s blue law challenge vote is all goofed up. If you want booze on Sunday, you vote “no” (to discontinue the present law…. Shall it be continued? no.) If you’re against this sucker, you vote yes. NPR thought that was silly enough to use it as a cutsey moment. Thanks again, Holland.

I had a quiet day yesterday. I worked on my Bach arrangement I am doing a bit. Made pies (apple and blueberry). Did a lot of chatting with visiting brother, Mark. Practiced piano (mostly couperin and bach yesterday).

Today the electrician is threatening to come and do most if not all of the things we have hired him to do: replace the antiquated fuse box with circuit breakers, put plugs and lights in the garage, replace bad sockets in the house. It should be cool when we get all this done. I got up early and did a load of dishes and am running the dishwasher right now in hopes that when the electricity goes down for a few hours it will already be done.

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