
care-bears-desktop-wallpaper-grumpy.jpg Grumpy Bear image by 30k-2007

I should be treadmilling. This morning has had lots of stress for me. Suffice it to say that it’s negative stuff.

Like doing a time study for my church work. I figure it comes out to be about 24 to 26 hours a week when averaged over the entire year. I’m making about 24 K a year. This has got to be low for someone with a masters and decades of experience. Not to mention the fact (AGO guidelines say one should mention the fact) that one is good at what one does. Fuck it.

I also keep pondering on people. A man died this week who used to sit right in front of the music area. I mean right in front…. right there on the raised platform. He also used to get a big kick out of turning off the organ after the postlude. His funeral is Saturday.


Other people keep passing through my mind.

People who seem unaware of their own foibles but very willing to exploit my own lenient nature. Ah. Probably not appropriate to go into it here. Suffice it to say that none of these people have the last name Jenkins. Ahem.

I think I’m just grumpy. I have been reading in Chaucer lately. Played through more of Brahms op. 116 (which is really a great work for piano) and some Mozart this morning.

I need to stop and treadmill.

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