greetings from the blogosphere

Read Daniel Clowes charming 2005 book, “ice Haven,” yesterday. He does a good job of telling a story with fragmented comic strips. Recommmended.

Also finished Gracyk’s “Listening to Music or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Led Zeppelin.” An interesting attempt by the Department Chair and Prof of Philosophy at Minnesota State University Moorhead. I got up early this morning and typed up some notes so I can return this book to the library today. Gracyk seems to get a lot right about popular music. Where he fails is somehow connecting the reader to the aesthetic enjoyment of music of the past. He is caught in the silly academic false dichotomies of “my music is better than yours because I’m smarter and more educated.” Who cares? So I found him setting up straw dogs (as far as I’m concerned) about elite traditional music as superior. I think of Ellington’s comment, “If it sounds good, it is good.” This is as true of Bach, Led Zeppelin and traditional Flamenco music (I am listening to Flamenco music right now, heh).

I have been putting CDs onto my hard drive. This enables me to set up play lists. This morning I got up and made a Bach playlist to play while I took my shower. I have portable wireless speakers so I can take them where I want to. I really like having my music this accessible. One of my projects has been to organize the music in ways that I can find it on the hard drive For me this is mostly composers and rock/pop groups. I just follow the logic (?) of my own mind: Bach has a subdirectory and so does Arcade Fire. The important thing is I can find the music I am looking for. This is especially helpful when CDs have an array of music by different composers or bands. Now I can find them.

I seem to have nothing scheduled for today again.

This is unbelievable. I find that Monday is a day I sit around and am basically numb all day. I read. I practice. But mostly I just try to get my groove back. Usually don’t quite manage it all the way. A second day would be helpful. We’ll see.

I have been thinking about the March date at LemonJellos. I find it encouraging that the young owner of this establishment not only runs local live talent but actually asks me to come and play my compositions from time to time.

I am basically an isolated eccentric who doesn’t make much sense to many listeners or people who do music (family and blog readers excepted). It’s nice to be asked to play in March 2009. Not sure what I will do.  I do know I have been thinking of doing some writing of music lately. Just for my own sanity. We’ll see.

Speaking of encouraging, I see where Sir Monocle keeps on reading and commenting on my blog. Thank You! I read your blog practically every day and enjoy it.   Greetings from the blogosphere, dude!

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