greek and chopin


Turning to Greek and Chopin for some non-churchy/non-ballet distraction. I hesitate to put the idea that I am studying Greek in my blog, since sometimes talking about projects in an initial stage tend to sabotage them for me. But I have been looking at Greek for the past couple of mornings trying to reorient myself to my studies.

I have been looking at Chopin polonaises for a week or so. Chopin has always hovered over my piano playing. I have memories of my Dad popping off Chopin pieces (such at the Polonaise in A major and other pieces). I’ve been thinking that my truncated formal piano study may contribute to my lack of confidence in my Chopin. I’ve always been a bit confused at how to approach those tiny notes he sometimes writes that are supposed to fit into a steady rhythm in sort of a free wheeling way.

Yesterday, I googled this idea and came across a video by Dr. Cory Hall on YouTube. He posts many teaching videos there.

I was looking at one on the Fantasie Impromptu by Chopin and he said before viewing it he recommended working through his video on playing fours against threes.


Sounded like a good idea for a day off. So I did. I have played pieces with this kind of cross rhythm but I admired the thoroughness of Hall’s approach. I am beginning to adapt and rehearse it. I will probably Paypal this dude some money after some use of his videos.

All of this was to make an attempt to take an entire day away from my usual stuff. Eileen helped by taking my Mom to the Miracle Ear appointment. I kept resisting tasks other than reading and studying. It seemed to work. I am feeling a bit more refreshed this morning.

I am planning to use the time I would have had to play my 8:30 class to do some church work. Then final classes for the semester at 11 AM and Noon. I meet with my boss then I have no more tasks for the day (assuming I get everything done before my 11 AM class that I would like to. This is not a given.

This evening Eileen and I are jumping in the car and drive to the Grand Hotel in downtown Grand Rapids. I have weirdly been invited to a dinner for former National Pastoral Musicians Chapter directors. This should also be pretty distracting.

1. 7 things pundits got wrong about health care | PunditFact

I use fact checkers whenever possible. I do scrutinize their conclusion with a jaded eye. But it can be helpful.

2. Cameron’s Description of Britain as ‘Christian Country’ Draws an Angry Response – 


3. Tomorrow’s America, in Queens –

I have memories of attending the 1964 Worlds Fair in New York. Maybe I’ll blog about them sometime.

4. An Evolutionary Family Drama –

This is the story of alewives some of whom become stranded in fresh water and evolve differently from the others who are adapted to moving between fresh and salt water. All within the last 400 years.

5. [INFOGRAPHIC]: The 10 Commandments of Typography

Thanks to daughter Elizabeth for putting this up on Facebook.

6. Army’s Ban on Some Popular Hairstyles Raises Ire of Black Female Soldiers – NYTim

It is so easy to be blind to our own cultural preferences. Seems to me there are some pretty obvious compromises available to this quandry.


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