grandpa reads a book and sunday went well


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Alex let me read a book to her this morning. She and Jeremy joined me in the kitchen as I cleaned and made coffee. We then moved to the dining room table for a while. I studied Greek until Alex let me read one book to her. She was held rapt by Van Allsburg.


I made yesterday into a long day by going grocery shopping in the afternoon. I was exhausted by work but nevertheless was motivated to stock up our pantry with stuff for us and company.  Church went well. I learned more about my own capabilities regarding practicing and performance. I didn’t have many under-prepared left hand omissions. There were a couple of shaky moments and they were where I would have predicted them. But overall I was very happy with the three Handel pieces we did yesterday (two organ pieces, one anthem).

Image result for church choir 1935

John le Carré’s Memoir About His Journey From Spy to Novelist – The New York Times

I do enjoy le Carre’s novels. This memoir looks interesting as well.

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