Good article on DRM by a musician

Freedom of rights management” by Wendy M. Grossman

I know nothing about this person’s music. But I read the linked article and thought it was a good synopsis of a lot of the current hype around Itunes stripping DRM.

Her website is here.

I just listend a bit. Very traditional folk/bluegrass sound. She sings.

Her article linked in “geek musician” Jonathon Coulton. I really like the set up of his website/blog. You can listen to his tunes and/or buy them directly from him. Cool beans.

Just poking around on Coulton’s site, I notice its dearth of visuals (no pics). This is a serious omission in this kind of medium.

I’m listening to him as I write this. I recognize his most popular tune: Code Monkey. You can listen here. It’s the first tune and he has a clever onsite listening plugin.

Wendy Grossman is on CDBaby which she mentions in her article. Looking at her web info, it seems that she has moved from music to journalism.

I have dealt with CDBaby and they are a fun company. They feel like a human is actually on the other side of the internet and have a sense of humor as well as allow you to listen to bits of everything you want to buy. Unfortunately not everything.
Grossman’s article mentions Itunes, Zune, and Naxos. No mention of Napster. They must be off the radar.

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