getting too old for this shit



Despite attempting to rest most of yesterday, an hour before I had to go play the Maundy Thursday service I was still exhausted. Fortunately I did get a small second wind which enabled me to survive the evening. This is getting ridiculous. Wednesday’s schedule did me in. I think it was the addition of a long intense funeral. Nevertheless one feels that one is just getting too old for this shit.

Ahem. I have always had to scroll.
You know.
Since scrolling was invented along with the interwebs.

This morning I realized that I have had the gift of five more years of life than my uncle Richard who died at 57. Midkiff men seem to have a tendency toward  short lives of confusion. At least my life has been a good one so far. I feel grateful for meeting my wife,  knowing my children and having music and ideas in my life.

this pic is sarcastic.

Here’s hoping I can continue to come up with strategies to husband the resources of my aging energy.


unfortunately, this pic is not sarcastic. 

At least I don’t have the usual classes this morning.

Am receiving an unusual number of compliments on the Wednesday funeral.

I was underpaid monetarily ($50) but am being lavishly remunerated with praise.  Thought I would mention it since I bitch so much in this space about being invisible to so many.

1. Steven Pinker’s Mind Games –

Used to take the annual quiz in the education supplement of the NYT. I like little tests like this. Got 6/10.

2. Revised SAT Won’t Include Obscure Vocabulary Words –

This report include three sample questions. Got 2/3.

3. When ‘Liking’ a Brand Online Voids the Right to Sue –

Sooprise sooprise. Download a coupon, forfeit your rights.

4. The Quick and Dirty on Data Visualization – Nancy Duarte – Harvard Business Review

Some interesting insights on visulations. Helpful both to creators and viewers.

5. Princeton Concludes What Kind of Government America Really Has, and It’s Not a Democracy

economic elite domination or biased pluralism.

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