This morning I wanted to listen to Calefax on Spotify. They have done some very cool recordings of fugues that I was in the mood to hear. But they were all gone. I had an empty playlist. Fuck it. I listened to Sting’s The Last Ship instead which I quite like.
Later I went to YouTube and made a Calefax playlist there. There weren’t any of the recordings I was looking for, but here are some cool ones.
Eileen and I are getting reading to jump in a plane tomorrow morning. We are on our way to California to visit the fam out there for a week. We plan to travel light. This is one thing we have learned. Take as little as possible. This is expedited by devices. I downloaded an ebook of the second volume of Lydia Davis’s translation of Proust this morning.
I also want to take as few real books with me as possible. I photocopied the Greek paragraph I am currently studying and its translation. I still plan to take the text with me but this saves me taking the two books in which the paragraph and the translation key are found.
Calefax makes me want to think about composing and improvising again. Vacation would seem to be a good time to compose, but I have been needing it for sheer relaxing and attempting to gain some kind of perspective on my life.
I wanted to simply embed my YouTube playlist but of course I couldn’t figure out how to do that.
While I’m embedding stuff here’s a good video from Robert Reich.
And there’s this.
I will probably continue to blog while in California.
Dam. I do like this group.