getting ready to fly away to England



It turns out the English B and B we are staying at and, for that matter, Sarah and Matthew’s home is not that far from Kelmscott Manor where William Morris lived out the last years of his life.

This is where our B and B is located…. note city of Swindon on map.

We may just trundle over for a look see if that works out.

Here’s where Kelmscott Manor is located. Again note Swindon. Sarah says this is an hour drive from her home. Doable, but we’ll see.

Sarah has indicated to Eileen that she wants to try some outings while we are visiting. This is both for our touristy benefit and her own regaining routine after giving birth. I am hoping not to drive my quasi son-in-law crazy at this delicate time of his life. He does adore his new baby, that’s for sure!


Eileen and I are looking forward to this trip with excitement.  I am thinking of packing very light. This is always more a good idea when traveling, especially overseas. The B and B we have booked has a washer. It looks quite luxurious. I hope they let uncouth Amurican church musicians stay there! (Just kidding).


One of my choir members gave me a beautiful leather satchel. I love it. It’s used, which adds to its character and beauty as far as I’m concerned. Once again I’m feeling very spoiled. I’m thinking seriously of using it for this trip. Leather is heavier and it doesn’t hold as much stuff, but I’m not planning on taking much stuff. I’m sticking my old organ shoes in the luggage. I’m hoping my tablet will double as both ereader and sheet music access for this trip. So mostly I will have devices in my satchel along with carefully selected real copies of books and music.

The B and B does have wifi, so we should be able to use it with our phones, my computer and tablet.

 Self explanatory link (I think you see why I linked it in).

Why Don’t You Just Call the Cops? – The New York Times

Because they might hurt you, especially if you are black.

I’m tempted to purchase The Enigma of Arrival by V.S. Naipaul as an ebook to read while I’m in the UK. Some of this book takes place in nearby Salsbury (which we have visited before). Naipaul writes about what it’s like to move from one country/culture to another….

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