Getting Goofy with Touzet, Liturgy, & Mishima

Ahem. I arrived home from college yesterday jubilant from handing in grades and found a package from Florida with music by Rene Touzet in it. It felt like a reward.

I have been playing my way through the music and am enjoying it immensely. It feels like a guiltly pleasure because I’m not sure the music is all that good. But he writes a clear piano style in Cuban rhythms that I am really enjoying playing through.

On another guilty pleasure front, I have been delving into Episcopalian liturgical matters. I ordered some pretty expensive crappy books from the Episcopalian web site. Fuck a duck. I decided to take a look at my own liturgical training stuff. I have thrown out a lot of it but not the stuff that I find the most interesting like festschrifts. I found some good stuff in my library I hadn’t actually read.

Also am reading a textbook my priest loaned me from her seminary training.

I feel sheepish doing this. But I have agreed to discuss Holy Week with my boss and it is leading me deeper into a discussion of liturgical theology with her. It makes sense. But it is an area of my life I am not consciously cultivating. Or haven’t been. I ordered two more books today: a festschrift of an Episcopalian liturgitist I like (Marion Hatchett) and an updated parish liturgy handbook by my priest’s teacher: Louis Weil.

I was able to find them used on Amazon so they weren’t as expensive as the crappy books.
I also wrote my boss a memo yesterday outlining some areas I would like to talk about this summer beginning with my meeting with her today.

This all indicates increased ownership in the church part of my job. Hence the feeling of goofiness on my part.

Also started reading Spring Snow by Mishima a few nights ago. Here’s a nice drawing of him I found on the Web.

David Mitchell commented that he thought this was a masterpiece and influenced him quite a bit along Murakami. Haven’t read any Mishima in years. Eileen has read this one. It is the first in a series of four novels.

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