gently burning out but maintaining

Despite my ongoing burnout, modern dance class yesterday was fun.  The movements the dancers make tend to be angular and sharp and have a different kind of beauty from classical ballet. More and more  I find I am improvising music that sounds like these movements look to me. Satisfying.

I have now scanned in over a hundred pages of my father’s memoir and emailed it to interested people (my daughters, my son, my brother). Every time I send out an email I also include one published article and one sermon outline.

Holy week is staring me in the face.

I need to make some final choices about instrumental music. Plus I need to start planning beyond Easter Sunday. I am unmotivated, but am sure I will rally in time to get stuff done.  Several parish musicians who usually play have indicated they are too busy this Holy Week. I wonder if this portends low attendance at these services.

Fortunately I received an email overnight that my violinist is willing to play at the later Easter Sunday service. This means I will have a cello and violin available for that service. I meet with these people today for our usual rehearsal. I think I’m going to curtail my blog and get to work on making some scores for them to read through today.

Here’s some links:

Obama’s Speech on Reducing the Budget (Text) –

I listened to part of this yesterday on C-Span.

click on pic to go to C-Span video

C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics

Plan to read the rest.  I was glad but skeptical to hear the President talk about taking responsibility for each other in our society. This will probably never fly given the current political environment.

Here are the editorials I plan to read after I finish the speech.

Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider –

President Obama, Reinvigorated –

A couple other reactions (links from Real Clear Politics)


At Last: A President, Not a Ref – E.J. Dionne, Washington Post

Obama’s Speech Was a Disgrace – Charles Krauthammer, FOX News


Barcelona Expected to Approve Resolution on Nudity and Improper Dress –

This article mentioned the area where Eileen and I stayed when we visited this lovely city:

“On the charming triangular plaza named for George Orwell, who lived here during the Spanish Civil War, stone steps once invited young tourists to sit, drink themselves drunk and make noise through the night. The steps were recently removed, and in March a large round children’s playground was opened, in an effort to deter unruly loitering.”


Budget Battles – The Price of Ill-Conceived Cuts –

“Instead of adopting the Republican language and argument, Democrats should be deploring it, pointing out that the deal was the result of extortionate pressure from the House and represents poor economic judgment during a nascent recovery…”

“Democratic leaders and President Obama’s failure to tell the truth about the budget deal for this year: It ushers in a denuded era of loss to vital government services, mostly at the expense of the most vulnerable.”

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