gaining groove back

Woke up rested and with a bit more perspective this morning. These past few weeks have been crazy. When I anticipated Holy Week, I wondered how I would juggle my church duties and my ballet class. I wondered how my energy would hold up and how well I would do. It has turned out that even though I attempted to anticipate stuff by getting my Mom moved into assisted living completely by last Sunday night, serious shit hit the fan.

So when I add in my Mom being in the hospital (while certainly more of an ordeal for her than me), it’s been an awful lot of stuff and some stress.

And I’ve done well.

I see my Mom’s hospitalization as essentially a positive occurrence, since it ended up probably giving her some strength back as a consequence of raising her hemoglobin level.

And despite my fatigue last night, I look back on the day and see that I am getting a bit of my groove back. I played well. And I managed to get the choir to realize its potential a bit in terms of blend and general musical sound.

So today I have a few things to do, but essentially it’s a leisurely planned day followed by the first Saturday Vigil service my church has done in years.

It’s not as extreme a change as it might be, since they have been doing a vigil as a sunrise service. So the rite is pretty much there. It will be interesting to see how it goes. The music will be fine, I think.


Robert Simpson (composer) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alex Ross mentioned this composer in a review in the New Yorker. I was surprised I had never heard of him. He is from the U.K., died in late 90s. Composed 11 symphonies. Worked for the BBC. I listened to some of his stuff yesterday. It reminded me of Vaughan Williams.


Jim Marshall, 88, Maker of Famed Fuzzy Amplifiers, Is Dead –


Obama Concedes That Courts Can Review Acts of Congress –

Obama seems to be mistaken in some of his comments recently. This article cites corrections by Politifact (one of my favorite quick site visits) .


In Russia, a Watch Vanishes Up Kirill’s Sleeve –

This article and story has so many hilarious ironies. Can’t pick out my favorite.


Scottish Leader Pins Hopes for Independence Vote on a 700-Year-Old Fervor –

Will Scotland become independent of the United Kingdom once again in our lifetime? Sounds like it might.


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