further Dublin adventures


The brother of the owner of the house we are staying in met us and Diane Daum (Jeremy’s Mom) at the airport. His name was Brian and was very gracious. I’m afraid I babbled at him for the entire drive to the house after he made a couple polite inquiries.

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It was a good lesson for me to work harder at keeping quiet.

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After admiring the lavish home Diane had arranged for us to stay in via a house swap, Diane, Eileen, and I walked to the grocery store to get some supplies. I forgot that we were going to have carry everything home and filled up our grocery cart with way too much stuff. We pared it down, to three heavy bags.

We probably would have done better to go out to eat at a nearby restaurant and get supplies after we had an evening’s rest.

I did manage to get fixings for my evening martini so all was well. I was pretty tired as you can see.

This was the end of our first day in Dublin (Saturday). The next day, Jeremy, Elizabeth, and Alex arrived from a long flight from Beijing. They put us to shame by figuring out the bus system and taking a bus from the airport to the neighborhood where we are staying. They arrived in remarkably good spirits for having done such a long trip.

It was fun to see everyone. At one point, Alex insisted on playing with me. After some imagining, she took me by the hand and led me to the piano.  I had had the foresight to bring some music for kids. I told her that I had actually brought the Sesame Street book for her Mom, Dad, and Aunt Sarah. But we went through several songs. Alex insisted on sitting next to me on the small bench. It was flattering.

This morning (Monday) I was in the back yard exercising listening to a podcast when a voice shouted, “Turn that radio down!” Yikes. I shut it off and shouted back, “Sorry!” The back yard apparently feels more isolated than it is.

NYTimes: The Trump Fallacy

I can’t help but feel this is a bit of an echo chamber piece for my point of view, but I think this author states the incongruity well.

Rick and Morty
Community (TV series)

One of the fun things about seeing family is the suggestions of stuff to check out. These all come from Elizabeth and Jeremy.

Enslaved People Lived Here. These Museums Want You to Know

I like how things are adjusting to more accurately reflect history.

Vladimir Putin says liberalism has ‘outlived its purpose’

This is a piece I read  in a real copy of The Irish Times. Brian, the man who chauffeured us from the airport to the house, said this was a good paper.


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