full week


I haven’t blogged for a couple of days. It’s been a full week for me. I have been enjoying have Sarah and Lucy around.


Yesterday all of us walked to The Biscuit for a nice lunch. Later Sarah managed to make it to Lake Michigan with Lucy and Eileen in tow. She always tries to see the Lake at least once when she visits.


I exercised and practiced while they did this.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the recital series at my church. I need to be more proactive about organizing parishioners to help with the publicity and fund raising. I’ll talk to Rev Jen about it next week if I get a chance. After Christmas I think it would be a good idea for me to write a little announcement in the bulletin announcement insert that the church is looking for one or more parishioners to work on these ideas.

I am looking at my work for the recital series as volunteering on my part or donating my time since I am putting a fair amount of effort into this and still not managing to have enough energy and time to touch all the bases.

Today, Greg Crowell, Sunday’s recitalist, is coming sometime in the afternoon to practice. He came Thursday this week for that. On Wednesday I had two significant ciphers (notes that keep sounding). When the second one occurred I phoned Martin Pasi. Pasi offered to talk me and Ron Brown through fixing them. Ron is a talented parishioner who helped Pasi a great deal when he was assembling and adjusting the organ,

Actually Pasi tweeted instructions to me on how to fix a stuck key and that instantly worked so we were down to one stuck note. It was on the largest pipe in the organ. Once engaged it would not cease until the organ was shut off.

Ron came and we worked on it for a while. During the process I noticed that a key on the Great manual was depressed and not returning. I mentioned this. Pasi made us work on one problem at a time. Ron was instrumental in fixing both of them.

Due to all of this I had  much less time to rest up for Wednesday evening rehearsal.

It was about 1.2 miles back and forth to The Biscuit yesterday. I then walked to Evergreen, treadmilled for my usual 45  minutes, then went on the church then walked home. It was probably something like 2.2 miles of walking. I keep track of this stuff so I know how much I am exercising and record it with my daily Blood Pressure and weight. I am managing not to gain too much weight despite all the good eating while Sarah is visiting (we ordered pizza last night). The blood pressure is okay as well, but I am hoping to return to skipping martinis and snacks and losing more weight and lowering my blood pressure after the holidays.

NYTimes: When the Truth Is Unconstitutional

I have been waiting for Linda Greenhouse to weigh in on the current Supreme Court stuff. She rocks!

NYTimes: Liberals Need to Take Their Fingers Out of Their Ears

Good article. Cites The Authoritative Dynamic by Karen Stenner and a recent article by Eric Schuner.

Did Cornel West Come for Ta-Nehisi Coates?

The answer seems to be yes without reading (or maybe understanding) Coates.

NYTimes: From Ancient Myths to Modern Day, Women and the Struggle for Power

This is a review of a book by Mary Beard on the subject. She is a thinker I admire. And of course I like the classicism.

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