friends to enemies


Last night, Eileen and I attended a performance by Ballet X. It was a stunning evening. The first piece (archived above from a few years ago) used music of Bach. The video synopsis above doesn’t do justice to the experience of the entire dance. The dance captured Bach in most ways for me: the humor, the human face of Bach, the flights of fancy and on and on. I was very moved.

You cannot tell from this video but the movement was completely in sync with the music. Not only for this piece for all three pieces I saw last night.

The second piece seemed to be about relationship struggles. Hard to put into words the way movement can communicate. Watching these abbreviated videos is sort of likely pulling sentences out of a short story or essay and trying to convey what is captured in it.

The choreographer for the last piece gave a master class yesterday morning. I was the pianist for the class. It was a standard ballet class nothing like the dances above. But it was fun to work with the guy.

Eileen said to me later that the performance was entertaining. I disagreed. I thought it was profound.

Today I guess I’m posting videos. I have been listening to Jack White’s new album. I quite like it. I sometimes entertain the suspicion that pop/rock/whatever music is keeping a lot of great poetry afloat. Case in point this piece:

I especially like this part

“and i want love to,
change my friends to enemies,
change my friends to enemies
show me how it’s all my fault”

Link to lyric page.

I had to “share” this with my Facebooger “Friends.”



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