fried brains


I’m hoping in the remaining weeks of summer to get my groove back. Vacation followed by an intense two weeks of ballet camp has left me a bit off balance. This is not helped by the ongoing renovation of our first floor bathroom.

Ballet camp had the unfortunate effect of reducing my practice time. After hours on the bench improvising it’s inevitable I would have less discipline and time for my usual organ and piano rehearsal. This is a significant piece I am hoping to return to.

Yesterday I treadmilled for the first time in three weeks or so. Another piece I want to come back.

I am feeling fatigued and disoriented this morning.

Time for some goofing off I guess.

Not much on the schedule today. I need to balance my Mom’s checkbook. I want to get some of that practicing in. My Subaru’s battery went dead. I have had it hooked up to a battery charger. I need to get it in to the shop today or some day this week.

So the usual stuff.

I do have a meeting this evening of the local American Guild of Organists board at 7:30 PM. We will be talking about the purpose of our chapter, its unique mission and upcoming program ideas.

I managed to check with the choir director at Hope College at church yesterday and he is open to doing a choral techniques workshop. I have some other ideas as well.

My brain seems a bit fried this morning, so that’s all I have.

1. Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World: Adam LeBor: 9781610392549: Books

I head LeBor on CSpan last night. Fascinating piece of obscure but radically important history: Bank of International Settlements.

2. A far glory: the quest for faith in an age of credulity – Peter L. Berger – Google Books

I interlibrary loaned this book. I checked online this morning and this is the same Peter Berger who wrote The Social Construction of Reality and The Sacred Canopy. I read in it this morning. Pretty interestsing.

3.Death of Watermelon Vendor Sets Off Outcry in China –

China continues to struggle to evolving a working civic structure.

4. 50 Years of Tough Questions and ‘Thank You, Mr. President’ –

Helen Thomas went to Wayne State. How ’bout that?

5. Dealing With Anxiety –

Cool quote from this article:

We would be far less anxious if we adopted the attitude of Rabbi Rami Shapiro: “Don’t take life so seriously. It’s only temporary!”

6. We Have to Step In and Save Detroit –

Eloquent plea for federal assistance.

7. Detroit’s bankruptcy and what people are getting wrong about it | New Republic

Some fascinating insights.

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