Friday in California


The California visit is going well. I made bread yesterday.

Image may contain: food and indoor

My daughter-in-law Cynthia put this picture of the loaves up on Facebook. Catherine (grand daughter) said it made the house smell good. That it did.

Eileen bought a bread knife while they were doing errands since they couldn’t find one here.

My grandson, Nicholas, had an orientation session for his new job at Miguel’s.

Image result for miguel's dos lagos

I rode over with Cynthia to pick him up and he drove us back. He is practice driving so that he can get his license soon.

Cynthia has given me permission to take him out in his car and do some practice driving while I’m here. I will definitely give him that option. It would kill a couple birds with one stone. Nicholas gets to practice drive and I get some time alone with him.

We are planning to see David on Sunday. I was thinking of doing it today, but Cynthia says that Nicholas was hoping to see David on Father’s day so we’ll probably do that. Cynthia is okay with us offering to take Nicholas, Savannah, and Catherine with us if they want to go.

Addiction is tough.


Carolyn Forché – What You Have Heard Is True [Review] | The Englewood Review of Books

Another review by my smarter, better-looking, younger brother.



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