Sheet Music

All music written by Steve Jenkins except for transcriptions and editions I have done of  other composer’s music (like Vivaldi). Permission granted for copying and distributing.  If anyone happens to use anything here it would be delightful to hear from you in an email. ( Also please let me know about any broken or bad links.Any comments welcome, really. Thanks.  Updated 12/13/20


Covid Christmas 2020 Suite

Movement I
God Rest violin
God rest cello
God rest keyboard

Movement II

Greensleeves Violin
Greensleeves Cello
Greensleeves Piano


Movement III

The Snow – Violin
The Snow – Cello
The Snow piano


Westminster Abbey for Cello

I wrote this for my friend, Dawn Van Ark. She will perform it in a live stream on June 28.

link to the PDF

Bach Bouree

I arranged this violin bouree for myself to learn on guitar. I thought of it because I used to have a very, very easy version and had used it in the past. However, I like Bach’s piece so much that I sort of arranged all of it for myself on guitar. I think I’m going to have it down in time to perform a week from Sunday but we’ll see.

link to PDF

Work in Progress

I’m currently finishing up a set of dances for organ on the LLANFAIR. Here’s a link to a page of them.

Breath Dance

(I have created this section so that you can return here and see the newest stuff at the top of the page).

My friend Rhonda asked me if I would write a piece for a specific group of instruments. This is what I came up with.

Breath Dance score
Breath Dance Sax
Breath Dance Bassoon
Breath Dance Trombone
Breath Dance organ part

Pentecost Suite for Marimba and Organ (2015 performance version)

The Pentecost Suite is a meditation on the three Old Testament readings from the Vigil of Pentecost in the Roman Catholic Lectionary. I have used the familiar Veni Creator chant in each movement to introduce and underline a Christian interpretation of these great Hebrew stories.

The music is not meant to be a literal illustration of the content of the readings. Rather I offer them as a musical invitation to ponder them. Many thanks to Peter Kurdziel for commisioning this piece in 2004 and to Rhonda Edgington and David Hall for performing it in 2015. Here is a recording of their performance.


I. Babel – Genesis 11: 1 – 9

The older story of the origin if different languages paves the way for the story of the mysterious speaking in tongues on the day of the first Christian Pentecost.

movement 1
marimba part mov 1

II. Exodus 19:3-8, 16-20

When God appears to Moses and the Israelites as fire, smoke and thunder on Mount Sinai it recalls the profundity of the appearance ofthe Holy Spirit to the early Christians

movement 2
marimba part mov 2

III. Ezekiel  37: 1- 14

Elisha prophecies to the bones and they take on flesh. So death becomes life at the breath of God’s word.

movement 3
marimba part mov 3

Grace Jazz Mass

Gloria  (pdf) bulletin version (pdf)
Holy Holy (pdf)  bulletin version (pdf)
Emmaus Fraction Anthem (pdf) bulletin version (pdf)

Rhosymedre (“Lovely”) by Ralph Vaughan Williams (P.D.)

arranged for viola (pdf) and piano (pdf)

Hymn Descants

“Earth and all Stars” fits with harmonization in The Hymnal 1982 pdf
“Joyful, Joyful” fits with John Ferguson varied hymn acc. pdf
“Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”
fits with the Jamaican Folksong arranged by Dorren Potter in the
Episcopalian Hymnal, Voices Found pdf


The Eyes of God pdf Midi MP3


Oboe Sonatina (1976) Piano score pdf Oboe Part pdf Midi file MP3


Allegro in A minor from Sonata 3 by Vivaldi PDF of scorePDF of cello part.

Organ, violin, cello

Dance of the Green Men from “The Faerie Queen” by Henry Purcell
“Frenchified” (ornaments added, rhythms changed and some recomposing) by Steve Jenkins

Piano Trio


Postlude on “Erhalt uns”  Feb 2012 Violin PDF Cello PDF Piano PDFI

I adapted my piece on “What does the Lord require?” for piano trio. My cellist quite liked it so I’m putting it here in case someone wants to use it.


9 pieces for Organ

1.Chorale Prelude on SHARPETHORNE pdf
       Revised version with articulations pdf
Final version: pdf

2.Christ lag in Todes Banden BWV 695 by J.S. Bach pdf
       converted to three stave version with the C. F. alto in pedal

3.Cwm Rhondda chorale prelude for Rhonda Edgington (pdf)

4. “Little Recessional Dance” pdf written for Peter Kurdziel

5. Ricercare from Musical Offering BWV 1079 by J. Bach pdf
        transcribed for organ trio

6. Puer nobis nascitur by J. P. Sweelinck pdf

In my Dover edition, the half notes in most of this piece
are written as black note heads with no stems.
I made a version I find easier to read and
also created an alternate three stave version of the last
movement, putting
the tenor C.F. voice in the pedal.

7. “March” from Second Suite for Military Band by Gustav Holst (transcription)

4 page version (same as longer but smaller notes and a repeat – this
is the one to use in performance Link. And here’s a version with a simpler bass line in one place: link.

11 page version (larger print and no repeats) Link

8. Voluntary on Old Hundredth by Henry Purcell transposed to G major. link

9.Mental Floss Oct 18 2017 written for the Dedicatory Recital of the Martin Pasi organ, Opus 26 at Grace Episcopal Church Holland. Dedicated to the builder and Rev Jen Adams, the priest.

Organ (manuals only)

Chorale prelude on “Nettleton” pdf


One Page Essay pdf
Smoke pdf
Suite in the Key of J
I. Tango for Cynthia pdf
II.  Lullaby for Catherine pdf
III. Dance for Savannah pdf
IV. Blues for David pdf
V.  Boogie for Nicholas pdf


Psalm 51 Antiphon and Congregational Psalm tone pdf

SAB a cappella

The Kingdom of Heaven – Liturgical Motet for Proper 23 A pdf
The Lord took Clay (Lutem fecit) – Liturgical Motet for Lent IVA pdf

Wilt Thou Forgive that Sin – arrangement of text by John Donne, tune byJohn Hilton pdf

Arranged on 9/4/11, added rewrite on 9/11/11. Not explicitly SAB, more like 3 part. Several ways this anthem could be done: SSA, TTB or other. Took away the added Tenor and Alto part from Hymnal 1982.  Rewrote the bass line to be more choral. Added the upper harmony. Worked well for SAB with B on melody on last stanza (this is the way the keyboard reduction plays the last stanza).

SAB accompanied

Communion Antiphon for 16siot Psalm 110:4,5 SAB and Guitar or Piano or other instrument pdf
Psalm 121 (For Jim and Thelma Midkiff, my grandparents). SAB, Violin, Keyboard pdf

SATB a cappella

Entrance  Antiphon for 27th SIOT – Esther 13,9,10-11 pdf
“I Came Forth” Antiphon I for Evening Prayer for the Vigil of Ascension pdf
“The Reign of God” A Liturgical Motet for 23siota F major: pdf G major: pdf

“After he spoke to his disciples”
Antiphon II & Psalm 117 for Evening Prayer for the Vigil of Ascension

SATB accompanied

Epiphany Carol for Instruments and Voices (Traditional Irish words & music arranged) pdf

SATB Choir and Cello

“A Collect for the Presence of Christ” Score pdf Cello part pdf

SATB and Organ

Psalm 146 pdf

“When the Whole Heart Turns Unto God” by Alec Rowley pdf
Note: I put this into Finale to update some of the language. I didn’t change any of the notes. I believe it’s out of copyright (published 1923)

Unison and Organ

In Paradisum by Maurice Duruflé adapted pdf

SATB Choir with Assembly

“After he spoke to his disciples” Antiphon II & Psalm 117 for Evening Prayer for the Vigil of Ascension pdf

SSATB a cappella

Memoranda (Latin text) Psalm 110(111):4-5 pdf


Deja Vu pdf
House Trailer pdf
Naked Boy pdf
So Many People pdf
Sorry Midnight pdf

11 thoughts on “Sheet Music

  1. Dear Steve

    I am sorry that you feel that no one is looking at your website; I have certainly had a good, and interested, look this afternoon. Although I regularly search for liturgical music, particularly psalm settings, this is the first time I have gone into enough pages of search results to come across your site. There are more than a couple of pieces here that I can see being useful this year, and I will, of course, let you know when I do use them. I hope you are enjoying the fourth day of Christmas, and wish you a happy new year.

    Helen Duggan

    1. Helen, Thanks for looking at the website. I can tell that I get about 30 hits or so a day, but I usually don’t check to see which pages people are looking at. Most of my viewers are family members scattered over the world. The compositions are here, indeed, for anyone to use. Feedback welcome. Happy Christmas to you!

      Steve Jenkins

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