fraud in jupe’s checking account


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My readership has dropped off dramatically according to Google analytics. Makes sense.

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Eileen found a transaction in our checking account that we did not initiate. After she took a trip to the bank, I no longer have a debit card. She and the bank person decided they are too easily compromised. Now I have a new fucking credit card on its way which has been the bank’s goal all along: to get me to have another credit card through them. The bank is contesting the fraudulent  transaction.

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As I wrangle with new devices and bank policies, it becomes clear to me that so much of what I run into is designed not to be easily used by an old codger like me but is designed in ways that designers think I should operate and benefit them, not me.

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For example, my new tablet has a nifty stand that I purchased for it. However it is only designed for the tablet to sit sideways not length wise.  Sigh. I am giving up and am mostly using it sideways now despite the fact that several apps flip on their side automatically.

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We still have lots of snow. Eileen and I were planning a road trip tomorrow to Detroit to rescue my harpsichord. But that might not happen if the roads aren’t passable.

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I’m finishing this blog on Sunday afternoon and man am I tired! I have to go out one more time to check on Mom at the hospital and pick up some gin. Eileen will have to pay for the gin since I don’t have a working bank card.

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All the pics in today’s post are pics that show up when you do a google image search with the terms “invisible cities illustration.” I’m almost done with Italo Calvino’s book, Invisible Cities. Lovely quote from this morning’s read:


It is not the voice that commands the story: it is the ear.

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