finished another book of poetry, nailed the prelude, links

Finished this book of poetry this morning. I am a fan of Carver short stories. And of course there was a pretty good movie made of a compilation of plots from them:

 So I was pleased to find that I like his poetry as well.

I nailed the prelude which was enough of a concern for me to practice it daily prior to performance. A composition by Pamela Decker from 2009, it was based on “Joy to the world” our opening hymn. I have tons of easy to medium easy music I can pull out of my hat with little practice but this procedure has been less and less satisfactory to me lately. So even though this piece of music puts the familiar melody prominent in the ears of the listener what is happening around it (a running obbligato and a walking bass in the pedals) requires my attention as a performer and is interesting enough to learn and schedule it.

So this medium challenging prelude went well. This was good because the day before I felt like bloody hell all day. Aches and pains accompanying my cold precluded me from a really thorough rehearsal that day.

I managed to find some time to play through some Beethoven and Schubert at the piano yesterday. This seemed to clear my head a bit. I started out with headphones on the electric piano and then later after everyone was awake on the acoustic piano.


Afghan Police, Betrayed in Sleep, Suffer Losses –

A startling story of murder and sex slavery.


China passes new law requiring real names for Internet services | Digital Trends

Daughter Elizabeth says she had to show her passport to sign up for internet in China. Maybe that’s just for foreigners.

Here’s another report along the same lines.

China Toughens Restrictions on Internet Use –


The Wilson Quarterly: Beyond the Brain by Tanya Marie Luhrmann

Newer insights about mental illness combining physical science with other factors. Haven’t read yet. Bookmarked to do so.


The Once and Future Liberalism – Walter Russell Mead – The American Interest Magazine

Another unread bookmarked article. David Brooks says Mead points out the two brands of liberalism which dominate American politics (according to the article).


The American Scholar: Death by Treacle – Pamela Haag

Sentimentality crippling private emotional life. Bookmarked to read.

How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Kathleen McAuliffe – The Atlantic

Son-in-law Jeremy says it’s more interesting that cat urine has a chemical effect that causes mice to be less afraid of cats. (He says this is not an entirely accurate quote so I say google it if you’re interested)


Paul Berman: The Thought Police | The New Republic

Book review.


Falklands War Caused Rare Friction for Thatcher and Reagan –

Surprisingly Reagan tried to dissuade Thatcher from the Falklands tragedy.


A Perfect Mess by Mary Karr : Poetry Magazine

The Obscenity Prayer by Mary Karr : Poetry Magazine

A couple of poems I like I found online. I also decided that Poetry Magazine doesn’t have many poems in it that interest me these days.


Le Morte D’Arthur, vol 1 by Thomas Malory – Free eBook

Put this on my new Kindle.


Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek – Multimedia Feature –

Interactive thing. Haven’t read but looks like nice graphics about a ho hum story.


Senate Votes to Extend Electronic Surveillance Authority –

Same as it ever was. Big brother has been watching you for decades.


Nonprofit Operator of New Jersey Halfway Houses Paid Millions to Founder –

Daughter Elizabeth pointed out this as a story she has been following. Corrupt profiting from non-profit organization.


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