finally flying away

So, I’m waiting to board the first leg of my journey to New Hampshire. Flying from GR to Newark then on to Boston. I mistakenly booked to Boston instead of the closer airport at Manchester, but no harm done. It will just take me a bit longer to get to Keene.

I dearly wish my wife could have come with me, but I also desperately need some time off. Blogging here in the GR airport because it has free Wifi which seems to be rare in the airports I have visited. Maybe that has changed.

I was a little out of control yesterday preparing to leave. I ran a stop sign. Yikes. Hopefully I will relax away from Holland. I did manage to get Mom out to look at some chairs to replace the huge recliner we discarded. She didn’t see anything she liked and quickly tired. But at least we gave it a try.

Figured out I could play a couple of very cool little pieces by William Byrd as prelude and postlude. This will match the anthem which is an adaptation of a keyboard piece by Byrd for choir.

The prelude is Carman’s Whistle and the postlude a Fantasia I think. Oops they’re starting to board. Gotta skate.

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