fall schedule is looming


I seem to be blogging later and later in the day. My boss emailed me last night even though she’s supposedly on vacation asking what my fall schedule will be like at the Hope Dance department.

It really will be light. Only two days a week with four classes total (2 a day).

I haven’t done this deliberately. The department seems to keep cutting back classes. i think they are under pressure from the college because they don’t give many credits for longer classes. Thus all my classes this fall are fifty minutes. They stopped their Friday classes last semester.

This should work out good for me. I have watched my energy levels diminish due to age. Great. I can still muster the energy needed to my tasks, but boy am I tired after I exercise.

I managed to get another month of hymns chosen yesterday. I’m moving slowly on planning but at least I’m up to Advent 2015 now.

A Great Day In Harlem – Harlem 58 – The Photograph – Part 1 – YouTube

I saw a reference to this famous photograph of a bunch of Jazz buy cheap diazepam online uk musicians on Facebooger yesterday and instantly checked it out on YouTube. Some kind soul has made a playlist of its sections. Bookmarked to watch sometime.

Obama’s Big Gamble – NationalJournal.com

This is an old article cited by Ari Berman in his book Give Us the Ballot. He says the author of this article coined the phrase, “the coalition of the ascendent” to describe Obama’s constituency and the growing nonwhite majority. The target for the many voting restrictions that have been enacted since.

Algorithms and Bias: Q. and A. With Cynthia Dwork – The New York Times

Not only does bias come into play when setting up an algorithms there are some counter intuitive notions that Dwork talks about like making sure you use what she calls sensitive information (like race or gender) when setting up classifications. In other words a blind calculation (not factoring in race or gender) might be less helpful or accurate.

The Google Search That Made the CIA Spy on the US Senate | VICE News

The CIA asked VICE news not to publish an inadvertently released letter about this story. VICE news said no.

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