fail, success, and time off


I have been trying to use up all the old flour in the house. Image result for masa tamal

I have done so with the exception of a huge bag of Instant Corn Masa Mix. As far as I can tell, this is some sort of corn flour treated with hydrated lime (I don’t think that’s the fruit, by the way). It’s used in making tamales. I am thinking I should be able to use it up somehow. This morning I used it in a cornbread recipe. I left it in the oven for the prescribed 25 minutes and it came out too burnt to eat (see the picture of it above).

Oh well.

Eileen bought bread flour this week. I used it to make bread this morning. As you can see it was a success. I’m eating a slice right now so these two loaves don’t look like this any more.

Despite having a couple of important tasks this week I am relaxing today. I’m tired enough that this might be beyond my control anyway.

I spent too much time deciding what to submit for next Sunday’s bulletin. I thought I might be able to come up with a new canticle for the Easter season. We usually sing a metrical Pasha Nostrum to SINE NOMINE (For all the saints). This is a beloved tune of the congregation. But I am conscious of the fact that I will be getting off the bench at the end of Easter and going on vacation. I thought it would be fun to do something else. But I couldn’t find anything to recommend. I don’t have all the books at home that have canticles in them so I will check when I go to church. Probably not today.


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