It’s kind of a dreary day in Holland, Michigan, but I don’t think that’s why I have the blahs. I met with my colleagues, Nick Palmer and Rhonda Edgington, for some food and chat. I managed to talk less than usual. I like Nick and Rhonda a great deal. I don’t think our conversation gave me the blahs. But I did feel more disconnected than usual.
I went to the library and dropped off some books. I finished reading Ursula K. Le Guin’s posthumous collection of poetry, So Far So Good.
This is a poem in it I had marked because I liked it.
To the Rain
Mother rain, manifold, measureless,
falling on fallow, on field and forest,
on house-roof, low hovel, high tower,
downwelling waters all-washing, wider
than cities, softer than sisterhood, vaster
than countrysides, calming, recalling:
return to us, teaching our troubled
souls in your ceaseless descent
to fall, to be fellow, to feel to the root,
to sink in, to heal, to sweeten the sea.
It sort of fits my mood.
I have a funeral to play tomorrow. That seems to make the weekend longer. I spent a lot of time with Bartok on the piano yesterday. I was playing his music when I was an untrained musician. His music was enormously influential on me. I love his Music for Children.

I played all the way through Vol. I yesterday. Volume one is settings of Hungarian folk songs, two is Slovakian. I don’t seem to have a copy of two in the house.

I also love his Mikrokosmos. Again, very influential on me. It feels almost nostalgic to play through his music. It certainly helps me keep in touch with my aesthetic.