entry from the ER


Yesterday was the memorial service for my wife’s father, Clyde. Whew. Everything went fine, but I am tiring of these sorts of events.

It is nice to see everyone. And I am enjoying having my lovely daughters around. In fact we four (Eileen, Elizabeth, Sarah and me) had a very nice little supper together last night. 

I am writing this entry from the Emergency Room of Holland Hospital. Earlier today I received a phone call from the place where my Mom lives saying that the nurse felt she (my Mom) should be taken to the ER for evaluation due to symptoms she has been complaining of.

Sure enough, Mom has pneumonia and is being admitted for a two day stay. She is fatigued and having trouble breathing. They have already given her two kinds of antibiotics. I think she is pretty comfortable for someone suffering from pneumonia.

In the meantime, I have been sitting here working on paperwork for the internimable application to medicaid on behalf of my Mom (and deceased Father). I also did a bit of Greek. And uploaded photos from yesterday to Facebook. 

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