efficient – not so much

I was trying so hard to be efficient. I got up and cleaned house, changed the sheets on the bed, put out the garbage, fed the cats, called the lawyer, called the doctor. Jumped in the car prepared to drive to Grand Haven to accompany. I had planned to spend the rest of the day there since I had an evening rehearsal scheduled in Grand Haven as well. This would mean my carbon footprint would be less if I didn’t drive back and forth twice in the same day. I even stopped by the lawyer’s office to sign some papers.

Unfortunately, I had the wrong day.

It’s NEXT Monday they need me to show up during the day to accompany some of the actors in a presentation to the Grand Haven Rotary Club. Man. I think I still need that vacation.

I drove home. So much for efficiency and even reducing my carbon footprint. And it turns out my 6 month follow-up appt to my annual check up is tomorrow. I haven’t lost the weight I need to. Bah. 

Oh well. This way I can get some badly needed rest before this evening.

Also Eileen is coming home tonight. I’m looking forward to her return. That’s why I wanted the house straight and sheets changed. 

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