easy listening


I am doing more walking. I walked to church yesterday for my Piano trio rehearsal. We are doing some wonderful music. The three of us find, I think, our time together to be a time of easing into and embracing the beauty of the music we rehearse. And it is beautiful.

Dawn and I have been working on Bach’s Gamba sontata in G major (the first two movements). I think this music is profound.

We take the second movement slower making it even more “jolly” than the video above.

Dawn is also working on “Six Studies in English Folksong” by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Here’s a video. These are even more beautiful than this team makes them sound and they’re not bad.

As a trio we spent time with Mozart yesterday. His C major piano trio (K 548) is wonderful, especially the second movement which is the lyrical/profound Mozart.

After Dawn left, Amy and I read through some CPE Bach. This sonata was at one time thought to be by J.S. It is a sort of miniature of one of the larger J.S. multiple harpsichord concerts. You can even hear snippets of the same melodic and motivic material.

This flute version comes the closest to the way I understand this beautiful music.

I think we will schedule this one soon. I can add cello to the continue and it will be fun and beautiful to hear.

I am starting my blog writing later and later in the morning. This means I need to quit.

Series of Explosions in Southern China Kill at Least 7 – The New York Times

I was very surprised to read Chris Buckley as the author of this article with a Beijing dateline. Sure enough a little poking around revealed a recent Tweet from Buckley that he is back in Beijing. He must have finally received his long withheld visa. I wonder if the New York Times is still blocked there.

Phoenix (2014 film) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This showed locally recently and I missed it. A choir member at church was quite enthusiastic about it. I will have to get access to it sometime (it’s not presently on Netflix).

One Fish Stands Watch While Another Eats – The New York Times

Fish lookout. Very cool.

Manual Vs. Electric Treadmill | Healthy Living – azcentral.com

I am seriously thinking of purchasing a manual treadmill at some point. They cost less and are easier to store out of the way. Since I only walk on mine I think it might be more what I want. Plus it uses less electricity and that’s always good.

Eileen and I are planning to find one locally so I can try it out today.


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