easing back into burnout


I eased from sheer exhaustion back into burn out yesterday. I basically sat around and did nothing until about 2 PM. Despite this I felt overwhelmed most of the day.

I’m regretting agreeing to play a garden wedding with a local string quartet for $100. I had email from them yesterday that the bride wants to hear the piece we are playing. It is “Until the Last Moment” for piano and string quartet by Yanni. When I pointed out that I hadn’t contracted for playing it for the bride before the wedding, my contact person said that they usually charged an additional $10 a head for players to meet and learn a new piece like this. $10????!!!! It looks like short of refusing to do this there’s no way out of it. At least they agreed that I wouldn’t have to bring my electric piano for this rehearsal/audition.

I also received my proposed fall schedule for ballet classes. They have asked me to play an 8:30 class, an 11 AM  class and a 2 PM class on Mondays and Wednesdays. The problem for me is all that time in between these three classes. I plan to talk to my friend Julie Powell today and ask if there’s any way to group my work more. If not, I’m thinking of saying no to the 8:30 AM class.

So at 2 PM yesterday I kicked into gear and went to the bank, the library, the nursing home, the church to practice and finally stopped at the grocery store to pick up groceries.

Of course I had another prescription failure. Once again the clerk informed me that my insurance had lapsed due to non payment. I said I would come back later when I had more time.

Onward. Upward.

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