dreams of an old man


This man (Gigout) was in my dreams last night. I was visiting in his country home in France in the past. He showed me his innovative pedal devise (not something that actually exists) in which the notes were flat black buttons.

Then we looked out the window. In his view were many large trees bundled up like tumble weeds. They were moving over the hillside in a dance of beauty.

I said to Gigout, “Master, do you compose in this country home? These trees remind me of your music.” (This is not as weird as it might sound. French students have been known to call their teachers, maître… “master”)

In the dream I believe I was thinking more of the music of Vierne.

Louis Vierne (1870-1937)

My dream Gigout responded that he did not composer at that place but that I was correct that his music resembled the dance of the tumble weeds.

An earlier dream I had last night found President Obama as Professor Obama reprimanding and encouraging students in the classroom. I looked on.

Not sure where all that came from.

I’m just about done with MacCulloch’s book on silence. I was happy to read that he sees Merton much as I do: as someone who changed from a basically conservative Catholic to one who connected to the entirety of humanity.

Nazi Past of Long Island Hamlet Persists in a Rule for Home Buyers – The New York Times

Keeping it white and Nazi in America since the 1930s.

The Fats You Don’t Need to Fear, and the Carbs That You Do – The New York Times

I bookmarked this to help me remember the good carbs. I was happy to see that I eat more of them.

From the Ear to the Page, the ‘Night Vale’ Podcast Becomes a Novel – The New York Times

This podcast sounds like fun.



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