digging deeper


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Not only are my Auden books in conversation with each other (see yesterday’s blog), my Basquiat/Kevin Young-art/poetry books refer back and forth between each other. I have been trying to connect Kevin Young’s two books of poetry based loosely on the art of Basquiat to the big book of paintings I purchased. Yesterday I was able to find the painting Young was thinking of in his poem. Today a different poem proved impossible to trace to paintings both in my book and on the interwebs.

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Yesterday my reading of Temperley’s The Music of English Parish Churches sent me scurrying around to books in my own library, interlibrary loaning books from the public library network, and looking up articles online. This is a kind of conversation.

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This kind of bouncing around from source to source is something I do regularly come to think of it. When I’m not on vacation, I often will pull out the music I am reading about and play through it if possible or listen to it if it’s not available to me in a keyboard arrangement.

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It seems like vacation is a good time to dig a little deeper into this kind of learning. I have the time and resources. Cool.

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I’m laying low, not practicing organ at church, not contacting people.

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The Hymn Tune Index: A Census of English-Language Hymn Tunes in Printed Sources from 1535 to 1820

It took some digging but I was able to find this web site which Temperley put up of his four volume index. So much better and easier to use online.

Musica Britannica: Volumes

Music Britannica was founded in 1951 as an authoritative national collection of British music. So far they have printed 103 volumes. Printed by Stainer & Bell many are on sale this summer, but still very expensive.

 West Gallery Music Association – Home Page

I found this organization poking around looking for Temperley references and sources.

“The West Gallery Music Association is an informal group of singers, instrumentalists and scholars. We share an interest in the sacred music, psalmody and hymnody, and the secular music and dance of the men and women who performed from the west galleries of parish churches, in chapels, and around the towns and villages of England during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.”

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