day off


I made pancakes this morning. The last batch I made, I froze the left overs. This makes a very easy breakfast for Eileen who doesn’t like to mess around with cooking for herself the way I do.  Above is a picture of the left overs cooling so I can put them in the freezer.


It’s halfway through my Tuesday and I’m telling myself that today needs to be a day off for me. Yesterday was productive. We got the passport apps in the mail. I spent several hours at the organ and attended a Worship Commission meeting. All important stuff (Hi Barb!). Barb gave me a ride home since Eileen was at a Weaving guild meeting. In the middle of the day Eileen’s sister Nancy and her husband stopped by to hand off some stuff to Eileen like her Mom’s old paper shredder, a blanket, and some other stuff. They brought me another blood pressure machine.

It took me quite a while to figure out what to play Sunday. I have been thinking a lot about the German chorale, Vater unser Himmelreich (the Lutheran metrical Our Father).

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I wanted to play something by Sweelinck

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and/or Scheidt.

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Going through my books of their music I discovered that both men have set the Vater unser Himmelreich melody that Luther used.

I found their settings attractive, however, I’m not sure this melody has much meaning for my audience. If the “Our Father” was part of the readings at Eucharist (as it is, once in awhile), it might make sense to play a setting based on this tune. As it is, for some odd reason I’m working on learning Bach’s complex setting of it in the Klavierubung III. It is beautiful music, that’s for sure.

The piece I have scheduled for this Sunday is Niederlandisch Liedgen. Cantio Belgica “Ach du feiner Reuter” Theme and Variations SSWV 111 by Samuel Scheidt. I’m playing the theme and three variations for the prelude and three more for the postlude. This is a charming piece. I fell in love with it last year. When no kids showed up to play at the early service on Christmas eve, I played all the variations. I can’t find what the original song is about, but it sounds cool to me.

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I’m feeling stressed lately. I guess that’s not a news flash for people who read this blog.

Eileen is out trying to break up the ice on our driveway. I am wondering if we will get an ice storm tomorrow just in time for me to have to cancel Choir rehearsal for the second week in a row. I think we could pull together this Sunday’s anthem anyway. It’s pretty easy and I emailed the choir a pdf and mp3 of it a while ago. But I have scheduled a new psalm tone and will want to change that if I cancel.

Even though I’m a bit stressed, I know that my life is good.

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