day off

Finished chapter 21 (of 31 plus a Final Note) in 11/22/63 by Stephen King last night. It was due yesterday. It’s a seven day book. They keep these books on an “Express” shelf so that a reader can get access to popular books for a short period of time without reserving them.  I feel like I should return this copy today and I will.

I gave myself yesterday pretty much off. I avoided beginning the arrangements for instrumentalists from my church for this evening’s rehearsal. I try to parcel out my efforts for my job in direct proportion to the remuneration and the enthusiasm of the people I am working with and for. This is another way of saying I guard against over-functioning unknowingly.

So after Eileen leaves for her day I will sit down and do arrangements for this Sunday for those players who have indicated they will be attending this evening’s rehearsal.

I guess it’s a bit of a luxury to be able to simply arrange for your players instead of searching for material (like I usually do for the choir).  My goal is to get a bunch of parishioners of wildly divergent abilities to play buy valium in spain some music together for Sunday. Should be able to pull that off easily. The temptation is to get clever. Hence my giving myself only one day to do the arrangements.

I did a lot of listening to blues yesterday.

I quite enjoy the rough sounds.

Then oddly this morning I turned back to rehearsing Messiaen

and Chopin.

For some reason I have slowly learning Chopin devilish little Prelude in G# minor.

I was startled to hear my playing on the tapes of my Senior recital (undergrad). It reminded me that I’m not a bad player. It helps med also readjust my self-assessment (which sometimes dips unrealistically as I strive to play as well as possible).

When I look clearly in the musical mirror I realize I’m competent.


I made apple pie last night but the crust wasn’t quite as good as usual.

Accidentally left out turkey breasts instead of chicken for Eileen’s Cordon Bleu. I kind of screwed up the Cordon Bleu a bit anyway. According to Eileen it was dry.

Eileen is a very tolerant and patient person to live with. She commented (which is the way I like it) and quietly ate some.  Then she trounced me at Scrabble.

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