daunting day ahead


I am feeling pressed today. Yesterday I did ballet classes until 1 PM. Walked home in the freezing cold. Plopped down and kept working on a presentation I have to give this evening.


I looked up after about five hours. Sheesh. I only have 20 “slides” done. I’m using Google Presentation. I assume it’s similar to power point presentations. My goal is to make it entirely self contained so that any one can page through it online and get all the info in it.

Here’s a link to what I have done so far if you’re interested.

I plan to add at least a few more slides dealing with the idea of manuals (keyboards) on organs before this evening. Comments welcome.

I’m hoping I will get another shot at educating this group so I can explain further ideas like pipe styles, what a stop is, and the harmonic function of different ranks of pipes.

In the meantime I have to be in Grand Rapids at 9:30 so my eye surgeon can double check his work on my eye last year. Everything pretty much came to a screeching halt here in Holland yesterday due to weather. The schools are closed again today already. I will probably set out for the eye surgeon unless I figure it’s unsafe or impossible.

My Mom has a shrink appointment at 1 PM. It remains to be seen if I can a) convince her she’s well enough to go to it, b) that the office will be open, and c) I can actually get her there in this mess. It’s likely when I call to tell her about this appointment she will beg off. I guess that’s pretty reasonable since she’s only be out of the hospital for about a week since her latest fall.

The Organ Committee meets at 6 PM at the church.

Then I am hosting an AGO board meeting at my house at 7:30 PM. The house is a wreck. I don’t have the presentation done. And I have to drive back and forth to GR this morning. Sheesh. Wonder how it will all turn out.

4 thoughts on “daunting day ahead

  1. Good PowerPoint. I didn’t watch the video but am sure it’s good. Whenever I have used videos from within PowerPoint presentations that has been where the technology seemed most likely to fail. Just a heads up…

    1. Mark,

      Thank you for looking at my silly presentation! The video is only a minute long (or did you check it out as well?) and I don’t think anything would be lost if it failed. But thank you for the heads up as well.

  2. Viewed your presentation. Looks informative. I like the video and the way you personalized it to your church and local community. Good luck with it. Stay warm.

    1. David,

      Thanks for looking at the presentation. I really appreciate it when people check this stuff out. It helps me make lists blunders. Thank you for your comments. Hope things are going well out in Calif. Love to you and to fam.

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