dansing with mom's stuff and her shrink

Contemplating not playing Debussy’s “Danse” at tomorrow’s mini-concert at my Mom’s nursing home. Most of yesterday was spent moving my Mom’s stuff. So I didn’t have time to practice piano or treadmill. I have many other piano pieces up my sleeve that I can perform tomorrow. Today I want to move the rest of my Mom’s stuff into her new room.

I did do some church stuff yesterday. It makes me a little crazy that I can’t get my church to keep a master calendar. On the Sunday bulletin, it said that there would be a Movie Night on the Wednesday of Holy Week. On the church’s google calendar (which is supposedly the master calendar), there was no mention of this. Of course, I later noticed that the Maundy Thursday service and the Good Friday service were also missing. The Easter Vigil was there, but then I remembered putting it on myself during a Worship Commission meeting.

Calendering probably seems like a small thing to you. But it makes it difficult to plan if there is not master plan.  Whippy skippy. I emailed my boss and she told met that there was indeed a Movie night planned, but that I should go ahead a schedule a rehearsal as she didn’t foresee much overlap between the movie people and the music people.


This morning I finished all the John Updike poems on http://www.poetryfoundation.org/ . I think I will order a large book of his poetry. I own a couple of small ones (one that I purchased as a teen). I am thinking of re-reading them until a new arrives. It turns out that I have had a practice of reading poetry books all the way through, just not huge collections.

I also finished Payback by Margaret Atwood. Part of “Mom day” yesterday was convincing her to go to her shrink appointment.  At the end of the appointment he finally talked to me about mom. It’s her third appointment with him. I have tried to cue him in to her history by mentioning the psychological base test they did several years ago when I dragged my parents to the area (he has access to her files through the Pine Rest network to which he belongs). He told me that Mom didn’t really want to come today. I laughed. I told him he wasn’t the first shrink she has resisted. I began saying that she cycles through depression and described for him her attempted suicide (not a terribly serious attempt admittedly… mostly she took a few tylenol and then said she took the bottle… ) and her stay in the Pysch Ward in GR. By this time he was saying they should have another appointment in three or four weeks. I then told him that her previous talk shrink (psychologist) invited me in at the close of the appointment for a three way discussion. I told him I was open to that but was comfortable with however he wanted to proceed.


Anyway, sitting in the waiting room while Mom was in the appointment gave me an opportunity to read Payback.

It’s an interesting book, but more on that later maybe.


Reflecting on the Trayvon Martin Tragedy – NYTimes.com

Letters to the editor including one from Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa

But those guys patrol unarmed….


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