dandrieu & bach for sunday

I chose some organ music for this weekend yesterday.

Dandrieu’s organ pieces based on folk tunes are usually referred to as Noëls.

Jean-François Dandrieu (c. 1682 – 17 January 1738)

This is because most of the tunes he uses in them are French Christmas songs. But he did throw in a few other things like the one I plan to play Sunday. It’s based on the tune, O Fili et Filiae (pdf of the music). The Easter hymn sung to this tune is “O Sons and Daughters.”

Unfortunately, my little organ sounds nothing this magnificent one. But it will still sound pretty good and be fun to play.

I just found another online version of the piece which seems to be different from my old Kalmus edition. I linked it in above. Printing it up to examine and possibly use.

For the postlude, I am going to play “Fantasia super Christ lag in Todes Banden” BWV 695 by J. S. Bach.

It is written for manuals. The melody is oddly in the alto. Yesterday I registered it with the melody in the pedals. Listening to recordings of it online today, I am reconsidering. The melody seems to be entirely audible even if it’s not on a separate stop. Hmmm.

I like this Youtube not for the sound but the ease with which one can see the fugue around the melody.

I like this recording better.

Unfortunately, embedding of this particular recording is disabled. Hence the link.

I do enjoy doing good music at church.


Geriatric Emergency Units Opening at U.S. Hospitals – NYTimes.com

ERs with a more calm approach for us confused old people.


Caregiving as a ‘Roller-Coaster Ride From Hell’ – NYTimes.com

I love Jane Brody. She wrote this one and it’s worth reading.


Israel Bars Günter Grass Over Poem – NYTimes.com

Poetry in the news. Here’s a link to a translation of the poem:

Gunter Grass’s Controversial Poem About Israel, Iran, and War, Translated – Heather Horn – International – The Atlantic

I admit I didn’t read it yet.


Jillian Hessel | Pilates Exercise | DVD – Videos – Books

Yesterday at Ballet class, we watched a video which led us through a floor bar. Afterward I was talking with a visiting prof and she said that Hessel was teaching Alexander Technique like concepts at Julliard. At least I think it was this person.


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