dancing frogs


I don’t have much time to blog this morning. Elizabeth, Jeremy and Alex are in the air flying from Beijing to Dallas. My brother, Mark, and his wife, Leigh, are driving over from Gregory, Michigan, to see Mom.

I suggested now might be a good time to see Mom since she has been in sort of mental upswing. I’m afraid, however, it might end up being a bit like the cartoon frog.

The one where the frog only dances when no one’s looking.

Then goes limp when anyone’s around. Mark called and suggested we take Mom out for lunch. I asked him to check with her. It turns out she’s not feeling well (!) and is not even planning on going to her cafeteria at the nursing home (she can have her meals in her room when necessary).

I’m hoping I can get a bit of work in today. I’m still picking hymns. I’m working on Holy Week. This means I’m trying to make sure I know the source for all the hymns and psalms we have been using so that we can review it next year when planning.


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