countdown begins

Always thought this would be a good communion hymn.

I often think of it when communion begins.

The last Sunday of August (the 29th) will be the Sunday that my church gives me a little reception in honor of my retiring. It looks like I will be playing weekends at least until then. The next weekend is Labor Day and they may very well need me to play that Sunday as well. But that should be it.

So it looks like I only have six Sundays left before I retire. Let the countdown begin!

Yesterday I told Jen that I would not pursue her after retiring. I think I put myself in a bit of a glum mood by doing this. This morning I emailed her and CCed Beth and Eileen. I retracted my comment and asked if we could see each other socially after I retire. I figure my social network is practically nil and could use all the help it can get. Plus I enjoy our chats and would miss them.

Old Wing Mission: Cultural Interchange as Chronicled by George and Arvilla  Smith in their Work with Chief Wakazoo's Ottawa Band on the West Michigan  ... of the Reformed Church in America (HSRCA)):

Steve VanderVeen recently wrote an article in the Sentinel about indigenous people who lived in this area before the Dutch. I linked it yesterday.  He recommended the book above (Old Wing Mission : cultural interchange as chronicled by George and Arvilla Smith in their work edited by Swierenga and Van Appledorn). I just interlibrary loaned it.

The book was only published in 2008. I have read a bit in the local history and did not remember anything referring to indigenous people in this area. This would have been in the late eighties and early nineties so that may be why I couldn’t find anything. The Killing Hills (9780802158413): Offutt, Chris: Books

Joyce Carol Oates reviewed Offut’s The Killing Hills  in the New York Times Book Review a week ago. (link) I thought it sounded interesting so I ordered a copy from Readers World. It’s already sitting waiting for me along with The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harries. The Other Black Girl: A Novel (9781982160135): Harris, Zakiya  Dalila: Books

Both books look like light reading. I think they might be just the ticket. Since they are both new, it’s not likely I can get them from the library. Okay. I didn’t try. I just ordered them. Ahem.

I also recently discovered that Robert Fagles has done a translation of The Aeneid. I like his work and have always to read The Aeneid but only own pedestrian translations. I ordered this from Readers World as well. it’s coming. The Aeneid (Penguin Classics) (9780143106296): Virgil, Fagles,  Robert, Knox, Bernard: Books

Eileen and I planning to try out a new restaurant for lunch today, Seventy Six. We usually avoid downtown on Thursday evenings (there are many street acts and crowds in downtown Holland on Thursday evenings). So, lunch it is. A late lunch with a stop at Readers World to pick up my new books.

Dunning Kruger effect

Ran across this concept recently. Makes sense.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. from the above link

Privacy: A Quick Reality Check

Mary Ann Lipson linked this article on Facebooger. I read it. Not sure I understood all of it, but enough of it to think it was kind of interesting.

It often feels like there are many viewpoints about privacy, and that they cannot be reconciled. In turn, this creates doubt that we can map a path forward towards a healthier digital ecosystem. But not all opinions are equally valid, and concerning ourselves only with those based in fact would lead to a much healthier debate.

first paragraph of linked article

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