cooking up music scores and food


I love the interwebs. Not only are printed music scores available free online for Schubert’s piano trio D. 28, there is also what appears to be a contemporary manuscript version presumably in his own hand. You can click on the pic above if you want to go to the MSLP site linking all of these in.

The printed score looks like this:


The same section in the manuscript:


The cello part is especially beautifully handwritten:


The violin and cello part are much more neatly copied than the score.

I was messing around with this because I found some mistakes in the printed score.  Whoever prepared the cello part omitted about seven measures of rests in two places. Easily fixed after determined.

Also, the printed violin and cello scores omitted many articulations that are in the printed piano score and can be confirmed looking at the manuscripts.

This kind of stuff always makes me think of how people often seem to idealize  scholarship as a mysterious and complicated endeavor.

When in my case checking out some editions and manuscripts of music often leads one to restore or change very basic ideas like the notes and articulations.

Almost every time I have turned to a manuscript to figure out an editor’s intention I have learned something I didn’t know about the piece.

And now, of course, this process is enhanced by the excellent access often provided online. Cool beans.

I attempted to prepare a meal for Eileen and me last night and had mixed success. Trying to cook some meals from Devin Alexander’s excellent cookbooks.

Not Fattening

My attempt at Chocolate Not-only-in-your-dreams Cake failed.

I think I just needed to bake it much, much longer than the recipe indicates as my cakes came out with a slight crust on top and liquid beneath. Tasted fantastic, just liquid instead of cake.

The Bacon cheeseburger for carnivorous Eileen and the Blue cheese portobello mushroom burger for vegetarian me came off better.

All of these recipes are relatively low in calories and fat and like most of Devin Alexander’s recipes very very tasty.

Served the burgers with Crash Potatoes, another new recipe for me. This worked really well as I thought it would.


A Nun’s Reply – ‘No One Can Tell Me What to Think’ –

Great quote someone remembers from a nun teacher:

Sister Ruth was the first nun I had ever met. I said: “Didn’t you take a vow of obedience? Don’t you have to oppose abortion rights?” She answered: “The church can tell me where to go and what to do, and I will obey. But no one can tell me what to think.”


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