Computer down & cat okay


I turned on my computer this morning and it would not complete the boot up process. It got so far and then went to C prompt.

I managed to get it to boot up from my Windows CD but wasn’t sure what to do from there.

I’m typing from my quasi-son-in-law’s old computer sitting in the same room.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is I didn’t hurt the cat’s eye last night.

I was working on the stove top with a cold pan of cooked mushrooms and the cat stuck his nose into the pan. I meant to tap his nose with the cold plastic spatula and somehow managed to poke him in the eye. At least I guess that’s what happened. Eileen thinks I might have spattered some cold liquid into his eye.

Anyway, his eyes looked funny last night and scared the shit out of me. One was more dilated than the other and he kept squinting.

It didn’t take him long to forgive me last night and he got lots and lots of petting and hugs. (guilt guilt guilt)

This morning he seems completely okay. I am terribly relieved.

After making sure he was okay, I turn the computer on and it didn’t boot up properly.

I’m thinking it might have been struck by lightning last night. We had thunder all night. Of course this computer does not seem to be damaged. The exterior H drive seems to be functioning (at least its little blue light is on). All of these are connected.

I guess I’ll keep trying to boot it up and eventually take it to the computer doctor.

I’m just glad I’m not having to make a trip to the vet this morning.

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