composition and a story by jupe


Eileen pleasantly surprised me and got up at 8:30 this morning. Usually she sleeps in a bit later than that. Consequently, I stopped what I was doing (reading my Vierne bio) and had breakfast with her.

Then I broke my morning ritual and checked my email and Facebooger before blogging.

It was thundering and raining in Holland Michigan this morning. I played through the F minor prelude and fugue in Bach’s WTC, vol 2. this morning. I also have been practicing the piano part for Beethoven’s Cello Sonata Op. 5 No. 1 since Dawn my cellist and I went through the entire thing yesterday.

For a while now I have been pondering doing piano vocal arrangements of my “Bad Paul Simon Songs.” Eileen thinks this has something to do with the fact that I dreamed about Paul Simon recently. In my dream, I encouraged an old friend to sit in with Paul Simon. My dream Paul Simon was very gracious. I could see he was going to ask me to perform one  of my songs. I panicked because I wasn’t sure I could remember one well enough to perform them. I do remember not being worried about being embarrassed by the idea of singing one of my songs on the same venue as Simon.

I pulled out some of these songs recently and began thinking about what a piano voice transcription/arrangement would look like.

I already have several of them here on line as lead sheets. They are on my “Free Mostly Original Sheet Music Page.”


Deja Vu pdf
House Trailer pdf
Naked Boy pdf
So Many People pdf
Sorry Midnight pdf

I just tested these links and they all worked for me. “House Trailer” is one I am thinking of rendering in a piano/voice version.  I decided on that without looking at my sheet music page here online.

I also uploaded my Pentecost Suite for Marimba and Organ this morning to this page. My friend, Rhonda, mentioned it to me in an email recently. She offered to plug my website in the national AGO mag this fall, but only if it was online. So there you go, Rhonda, if you happen to read this.

Sarah my daughter asked in a comment where the short story, “Dreams in the Hands of Demons,” is and could she read. Well Sarah here’s a link to a pdf of my old moldy manuscript.

Dreams in the Hands of Demons (PDF)


You can see that the return address in this manuscript prepared to submit to a magazine or something that I was living in Delaware OH. This means I was about twenty or so when I wrote it.



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