College costume

I still haven’t received my class evaluations from last year. Last week I changed my “uniform” a bit by going in with my hair down. I did this because my head was bothering me and it seemed more comfortable with it down.

Before that I had sort of conducted a little experiment with my appearance in the classroom. For an entire term, I kept my hair in a bun and wore a black suit and tie. Before that every class I had taught remarked on my appearance.

I was curious what the evals would say if I was more calculated in my appearance.

I actually figured out from class response that my appearance was probably critical during the first couple of weeks as students formed their first impression.

I have asked the secretary for evals from last term and she said she just hasn’t had time to do them.

Right now I am feeling pretty free of college. Thinking seriously of making this my last term to make more room in my life for writing and recording.

This morning I got up and washed my hair. I plan to leave it down because that’s what’s best for it when it’s wet.

Good grief.

My current class seems to be a good one. They don’t talk much but their homework and quizzes give evidence that their brains are working. If I was a bit better teacher I’m sure I could pull more out of them.

As it is, I think I am satisfied with just trying to teach well.

I will give myself the summer to finally decide if I want to go back to teaching in the fall.

And maybe they won’t ask me back anyway.

Who cares?

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