choosing music I will have to spend time learning before Sunday


Despite my good intentions of scheduling easy organ music for this Sunday, I decided to learn “Fantasia (In Omnia Festum) by C. V. Stanford.

It’s based on his hymn tune, Engelberg.


This is our opening hymn Sunday and I couldn’t resist. Unfortunately it’s about 10 minutes long and will require some rehearsal. But Stanford (though Irish) is thought of by Americans as an Anglican treasure so it’s sort of an Episcopalian thing to schedule him.

Calvin Hampton has written a piece on this tune as well. I own it, but couldn’t lay my hands on it yesterday. Probably just as well. It’s likely to be even more involved than Stanford’s setting. (Incidentally, this piece is available online: link)

I chose a postlude based on the closing hymn, “Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing.” It’s a David Cherwien arrangement.

Cheriwen sort of took up the mantle of  Paul Manz organ composition.

Academic organists love to look down on these guys.  But their music is accessible and hymn based. I schedule them, learn them and perform them.

Both of their compositions for organ are largely improvisational like. They tend to be a bit flashy at times and this setting is like that.


How The American University was Killed, in Five Easy Steps | The Homeless Adjunct

I’m not sure this writer really has a handle on the history of the University in the USA. But it’s interesting reading.


Don’t Confuse Technology With Teaching – Commentary – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The comments on this article are worth reading and thinking about as well as the article itself.


Morsi Makes His Move | Foreign Affairs

This has some good synoptic history of the leadership in Egypt in the last fifty years or so.


Larry McMurtry’s Book Auction in Texas –

Booksellers gathered. I love these guys. Finally an article that explains that McMurtry is not shutting down his store entirely, only reducing it from four buildings to one.


The Right Completes Its Hostile Takeover of Romney – 2012 Decoded

I think this is a conservative web site.


Why Goldman Sachs, Other Wall Street Titans Are Not Being Prosecuted – The Daily Beast

In a word, cronyism.


Sunday Dialogue – Daring to Tell the Truth –

I’m always interested in the discussion of public honesty and dishonesty. Lots of cynicism in the reactions here.

Thank you to Sarah for pointing to this video. It’s a good quick synopsis of the artistic critique of the concept of intellectual property.

He has made a four part more in depth series on the same subject. It’s available (I think) at his website: Everything is a Remix


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2 thoughts on “choosing music I will have to spend time learning before Sunday

  1. Hi Steve, I’m DAYS behind in reading, but I *really* like the TED talk. Many of the blogs I read refer to always giving credit; I like that too. It reminds me of any study…you’re always standing on the shoulders of those who came before you. As our culture becomes more technocratic & to some degree less educated (I can use a computer, but I can’t build one…etc.), I think making the connection with the founding shoulders keeps us grounded as humans & our work grounded in growth. Just rambling…enjoy your end of summer. M

  2. Michelle – thanks for reading. I have been thinking about what this guy on the TED talk is talking about for a while. I think he sums up some stuff pretty well. Hope your summer is going well.

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