China is cool of course

We’re having a great time in China of course.

We went the open air market which was fabulous. I took many pictures. Then we went here and enjoyed the hike up (with frequent rests) to see several Daoist temples. Very idyllic.

We ate out last night and the meal was fabulous. Squirrel fish (so named because of the presentation of the boned fish looks vaguely like a flying squirrel in mid-flight) in a sweet sauce, mint and beans, soft tofu in sauce, eggplant and sauce, and fresh corn. I requested the corn because I saw so much at the market.

The internet is a bit slow to connect with this site in China. So I’m keep it brief for me.

We are at Elizabeth’s and Jeremy’s apartment where I am using the internet. Eileen and I stayed in a nearby hotel last night. Very interesting to be put in a hotel where no one speaks English. thank goodness Elizabeth and Jeremy are here to help us.

We are getting ready to go to the market. All is well.

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