china branch arrives safely, keillor, blakemore


Image result for plane ride children's art

Elizabeth, Jeremy, and Alex arrived safely last night. I was already in bed. The trip from Chicago seemed to be complicated by traffic and other delays. Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a nasty heat wave here in Holland, so sleeping was not comfortable last night in our unairconditioned house. It’s ironic because Eileen is working on getting central air installed. This probably won’t happen until after our company has left.

I see that yesterday I had a record 49 hits on this blog according to my Google analytics.

Garrison Keillor seems to be back in business.

Image result for garrison keillor

Here’s a link to his website.


Thanks to my brother for pointing this out to me. Before Keillor’s fall from grace I used to use his Daily Writer’s Almanac to time my 5 minute time out before taking my blood pressure in the morning. His lawyers must have obtained some of the rights to his work and the Writers Almanac name. So far he seems only to have done a Writer’s Almanac for May 28 and 29, nothing for today yet but maybe he will do it later in the day now. I admit I haven’t listened to them yet. One of the things I liked about the little program was the daily listing of the people and works commemorated on the day. I’ll have to check it out.

Image result for a k blakemore humber summer

I tried to interlibrary loan A. K. Blakemore’s first book of poetry, Humbert Summer. At first it seemed to work but this morning I got an email saying the request had been canceled. When I searched I could find the book in an Ann Arbor library but no way to request it. So I purchased a used copy of the book via Amazon. I’m not sure how I will react to Blakemore’s work but I do like the poem, “The Flower is Forever My Captain,” cited yesterday.

I have been thinking about Mendelssohn’s organ works. I own a nice multi volume edition that gives all kinds of information about the music he wrote for organ including many pieces he never published. I seem to be missing one volume of this series which is odd.

I finished playing all the way through Bach’s Clavierübung III on Monday. Still working on Scheidt’s Tabulatura Nova. 

Young reads from his new book of poetry (which I have on my to-read shelf).

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