chatty jupe


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I’m doing it different this morning: blogging between cleaning the kitchen and doing Greek. I’m hoping that Eileen and I will drive off to Grand Rapids today to see the Ai Weiwei exhibit before it closes Saturday. I like his work and want to see some of it in person.  All the pics in today’s blog are from that exhibit.

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Yesterday I managed to choose anthems for November. I’m trying to chip away at preparing for the upcoming season a bit each time I go to the church. I have decided to prepare Calvin Hampton’s “The Primitives” from his “Five Dances.” I had an odd email from Craig Cramer which seem to indicate that only three people are playing at the organ dedication in October. if only three people are playing, I think I know the low man on that totem pole who has been eliminated. It’s probably a misunderstanding, but my boss is in Scotland and hasn’t answered emails about this (not that I blame her). If I’m able to, I will perform the Hampton piece at that recital and also a piece I am writing.

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Otherwise, I’ll just perform them some other time.

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Insecurity is a bitch. I had a nice chat with my bud Jordan VanHemert yesterday. His career is exploding as he is finishing up his doctorate. But I could still see this superb player struggling with occasional insecurity in our conversation.  (Hi Jordan!)

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Jordan and my friend Rhonda continue to reach out to me. I appreciate that two such fine players find time to check in with me even though they are both very busy. I like chatting with them and I like playing with them when we can.

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My brother, Mark, and his wife, Leigh, are visiting Ireland right now. I have enjoyed watching them make these trips.  Since I began some significant travels, I have always felt that Mark especially would enjoy seeing history and traveling. I like it that he’s doing that.

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I’m seriously thinking of reversing myself and begin using the gym at Evergreen. My treadmill is not reliable. I’m tired of buying cheap ones that break down so easily and are a pain to both move into and out of the house. But if I’m going to spend some money, I want to get my harpsichord fixed. The builder that I wanted to fix it is not returning emails but there is another one. As soon as I think I have the money, I will look into getting the harpsichord fixed.

Ai Weiwei - Natural State at Meijer Gardens,Porcleian Cube by Andy Terez

I just chatted with Eileen and she pointed out that if I only use the gym, it will be free to me under my Medicare. Seems like a no brainer.

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Are there white nationalists in the White House? | PolitiFact

Politifact doesn’t give this question a simple rating because it’s so complex. But the short answer is that the charge is too extreme.

More history in the news.

George Saunders: what writers really do when they write | Books | The Guardian

I like Saunders.

The Books We Don’t Understand | by Tim Parks | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

Bookmarked to read.

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