Category Archives: Uncategorized

not so hard times in holland michigan


I haven’t quite managed to moderate my over functioning on Wednesday yet, hence today is a usual exhausted/melancholy Thursday.

Here’s today’s Facebooger video for my non facebooger friends (Hi Rhonda!)

I admit I am enjoying the discipline of passing along one music video a day via Facebooger. It’s much better for that than trying to deal constructively with ignorance and hate there. I value Facebooger for keeping me in contact with fam and a few friends. I also enjoy the wide connections available to me across my interests and disciplines.

The most interesting discussions I have either participated in or eavesdropped on have been about musical topics. These remain civil for the most part. And informed usually. One in a while I step up to the plate and make a comment.

Since I’m a bit overwhelmed this morning and need to knock off in a bit to clean up for a dentist visit, I’m stopping here and putting in some links.

Thai Man May Go to Prison for Insulting King’s Dog – The New York Times

No comment.

Evelyn Witkin and the Road to DNA Enlightenment – The New York Times

This 94 year old scientist is charming and fascinating.

Britain Prunes Silly Laws on Salmon Handling and Armor Wearing – The New York

I like the laws that are only rumors of laws like being able to urinate in public if you do so in the correct manner (see article).

Facebook: the New and Improved AOL? | John C. Dvorak |

Dvorak is always worth reading.

” Facebook is the new and improved AOL [jupe note: this is a put down]. It’s for people who do not want to get all confused by the crazy Internet. It is Internet enough for them.

If you survey many Facebook users, you’ll find a majority of them cannot, in fact, do any sort of complex Google search”

a scarlatti discovery


Life without Ballet Classes is proving more relaxing. Yesterday I took advantage of my time and worked on my harpsichord. I finished shortening them and then swapped out the old tongues and put them in their slot. This swapping business was the guy at Zuckerman’s idea and it’s brilliant. It saves me a step or two.

I’m trying to do a bit every day on the harpsichord (with Eileen’s help). Our task today will be to review the instructions on the next step. That will be enough on a busy Wednesday.

It’s less busy because of the lack of Ballet Classes but I still have work to do for upcoming services plus staff meeting and probably also meet with Rev Jen.

I made a discovery this morning. I was submitting the music for this Sunday’s bulletin. I am planning to play a Scarlatti sonata on the piano, one that I have recently fallen in love with. I was checking the Kirkpatrick number since I am playing it from my old Longo edition that I purchased used. In this edition the previous owner has made copious notes on each sonata including the Kirkpatrick number.

As I looked at this on ISMLP I noticed that there was a Kenneth Gilbert version of it also available for download. This is exciting. His is the definitive version. It’s very expensive to purchase. Hope College owns it, but it’s sort of a pain to go over and check out pieces unless I have a serious reason to do so.

How cool is that? Maybe Gilbert has released the copyright for his entire edition? That would be very fine. As it is, the difference between these two versions is substantial.

Longo is the pioneer making the first (as far as I know) complete edition of these wonderful pieces. Here’s the first few measures of his version.

k.25.longoNote all the P,F,Sf, cresendos, staccato and slur markings. Now here’s Gilbert’s version.


Like any good modern editor, Gilbert tries to present as clear and as authentic a version as possible. Scarlatti did not write any of the stuff that Longo added, of course. Plus there are even text differences in this piece: Longo writes an A sharp where apparently Scarlatti had written A natural.

D and G stand for droit (right) and gauche (left) hands.

Looking forward to performing this piece Sunday. Someday maybe I could do it on harpsichord. Hah!