california day 2


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The clouds in my head are beginning to clear a bit. Cynthia had to work yesterday but didn’t have to leave until 11. Despite being exhausted, Eileen and I took the kids to Trader Joes after a stop at Target.

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Eileen had a bad headache so she needed meds which was the reason for the Target stop. While we were there I purchased another of those Bose speakers.

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Right now I’m the only one awake. it’s 6 AM local time. I’m sitting at the picnic bench in the back yard so as not to disturb the people sleeping near where I would usually work, the table between the kitchen and the TV room. I’ve already exercised and done my Greek.

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My tablet surprises me with how well it plays YouTube videos. I used part video below this morning while I ran in place.

I only need about 20 minutes or so to do the running so I’m not finished with this. However, I am very impressed with Marlon James especially the way he handles language. When I  purchase his book I am thinking of looking into ordering from Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C. Besides supporting a great bookstore, I keep finding myself watching videos of their book talks on YouTube.

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Before we left on Tuesday, I told myself I would go to the library and check out all my holds (requested books) and then check them back in. If they looked interesting I planned to take a picture of them and put them on one of my lists. But, when I saw that Simpson book on Pound, Eliot, and Bill Williams (as he calls Walter Carlos), I decided to take it with me.

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I have had a life long interest in these three poets.

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Simpson, himself, is a poet but I don’t know his work. He does write lively prose (at least it’s lively to me) about these poets. I brought the book along. If I were reading it at home, I in  my own library for copies of poems he mentions. But I reasoned that I could probably find them online.

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Walter Carlos Williams

I wanted to re-read The Ballad of the Goodly Frere by Pound when Simpson brings it up. Simpson who says that Pound living in London was annoyed by some people’s “irreverence” and wrote this poem. It’s an odd poem for me to read at this time in my life.

I don’t feel connected to Christianity so much as embedded in it. But I have to admit, I still like this poem just like I love the Psalms and many passages in the Gospels and Old Testament (and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer for that matter).

When I wanted to read Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, also by Pound (the first section of Simpson’s book is entitled “Pound, or Art?”), I thought of how much I like and use annotations. The link at the title is to a version with many annotations. Hot Damn!

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