busy little stevie

Nice to get a comment from the daughter in England (previous post). Hi Sarah.

I’m still feeling a bit grumpy but somewhat less overwhelmed. My mood lifted yesterday after I forced myself to go buy my Mom a computer, mouse and printer.

Here’s the link to the review about it I put up on facebook.

I brought it to my home and did some tinkering to help Mom when she uses it. Like put the Mozilla browser on it (this is the one she is familiar with).

Right now I am creating recovery disks. It doesn’t come with disks so this seems wise. The lame Geek Squad at Best Buy apparently will do this for you. For a fee. I’m just hoping I have enough CDRs laying around to do this.

After I do the recovery disks, I wil hook up the printer I bought and make sure everything is working order. Then deliver it to Mom later today.

I also helped her order a Jitterbug cell phone.

Am hoping this will have good reception here in Holland. There is a 30 day return policy so I guess we’ll just return it if she drops calls.

I spent a good amount of time messing with my Mom’s apartment yesterday. She sorted stuff while I went through boxes trying to find the goddam tea set with the flowers on it. Last week I had one of my helpers put all the stuff that was stored in my Mother’s hutch into boxes. Then I found out that my niece wanted a certain tea set. I found the cups but not the tea pot itself. I went through four or five boxes yesterday unwrapping carefully wrapped silly stuff looking for it. No dice. I called Jordan (who is the guy who put things in boxes) and he remembered the pot. So I know it’s there somewhere.

I also took a load of shit to Bibles for Mexico. These people were nice enough to come and get Mom’s queen size bed and box springs. She thought she had sold them last week when I had people helping me move out the big stuff. Found out later that the person did not want to buy it. Anyway, it’s now at the charity shop.

Eileen and I had a nice relaxing meal at the pub last night. We sat outside. It was pleasant despite the heat. We came home and hooked up the air conditioner to help Eileen sleep last night.

Today I am back at working on Mom’s apartment. I would desperately like her out of there totally by next Tuesday so we don’t have to pay rent on an empty apartment for a THIRD month.

Somewhere in there I need to practice. I have scheduled hard music again Sunday. As well as trying to learn some sax accompaniments.

Gotta skate. Just got a message from Mom’s computer that it needs more CDRs than I have handly. Screw it. Off to buy DVDRs.

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