busy busy busy

My postlude today was written by Leo Sowerby. He is an American composer that has basically fallen off the map of recognition, use and probably history. He was born in Grand Rapids in 1895. Seems to have spent his life in the mid-west. Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1946 for his composition “The Canticle of the Sun.” His style is reminiscent of a dissonant Samuel Barber. He wrote many organ works. I am playing part of a lengthy piece on the tune of today’s closing hymn, DEUS TUORUM MILITUM. The text we are singing to this tune is “O love, how deep, how broad, how high.”

I started out planning to just play two of the 12 or so pages of this piece. But this week I have added several more pages and found a convenient cadence point at which to end. Sowerby’s work is solidly constucted and sounds best on the romantic American organ. My little organ is a miniature in this kind of style so it’s nice to play something like this once in a while.

I also began rehearsing a Prelude (BWV 568 in G major) by Bach yesterday which I will probably use for an Easter postlude. 

At the piano I have been playing lots of Beethoven, Bach and Brahms. 

I am perversely considering playing Marimba today at the service. The woman who used to play flute regularly for me emailed me that she will be in town today. I was thinking of using flute and marimba on the tune Holy Manna (text: Love Astounding). 

The choir is scheduled to sing the perennial “God so loved the world” by Stainer. Getting them to blend was challenging on Thursday. Of course this morning I am expecting at least two big voices that skipped my Thursday rehearsal. Oy. I will still go for blend and non-exagerated interp of this hoary old anthem. 

I know that I am pretty burned out right now. On a happy note, I did receive a check in the mail for $650.00 from Grand Haven High School.

I stipulated commiserate remuneration half-way through my service this year before I would assist in their musical pit orch. I had decided that they were in such bad shape that I couldn’t pull out even if their accountant decided once again to drag his feet on writing my check. At least this way I know I have received payment for services up till now. 

Beginning tomorrow evening, I have to play for rehearsals or performances every night through next Saturday. I had to cancel choir reheasal this week which I do not like doing. 

And I have to be in Grand Haven tomorrow at noon to accompany some of the singer/actors in a performance for the Rotary club. 

At the same time I am trying to shepherd my parents medicaid application through a pretty bumpy process (we have already been stuck on the inactive list without notice once). I will have to run down a copy of the contract for an annuity they hold with Hartford. This will involve having my Mom authorize it on the phone and then talking to their agents. In addition I have to get Mom’s car to the mechanic for an estimate on some recent damage done to it. 

Busy busy busy.

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