Brains and subjective memory

Apparently, we have different kinds of memory working in our brains. The Amygdala stores memories associated with emotional responses.  This little part of the brain is a giant of an influence on how we color our cognitive memories. Memory goes through a consolidation. So if you learn something, you remember it with a different part of your brain. As the memory becomes part of your mental terrain, the memory pattern itself consolidates. This involves other parts of the brain. The Amgydala can change the way your remember something that you have learned with a cool head.

This little notion of brain science helps me think about how brilliant minds (like people on the supreme court or creationist scientists) can reason and still be obviously subjective.

The BBC has a cool interactive brain map online.

The first chapter of Gore’s “The Assault on Reason” is called “The Politics of Fear.” In it, Gore talks about brains, memory and fear responses. That’s what got me poking around and thinking about this.

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